What is it?
- Version control system
- Distributed - Every one has a full local repository and full history, can avoid network latency when committing changes
- Distributed repositories are synchronized using pulls and pushes
- Branching is really quick in Git
- Branch can stay at local repository or can be pushed to the remote Git
Setup Commands
# to help on a git commandgit help <commandname>
# set user name and email
git config --global user.name "Your Name Here"
git config --global user.email "your_email@example.com"
git config -l
Repository Commands
# cloning a repository from a remote servergit clone <url>
# create new (empty) repository in the current directory
git init
Check-in/Commit Commands
# information about our local copy, is there anything to commit?# what branch are we on?
git status
# pull vs fetch
# git fetch updates your remote-tracking branches under refs/remotes/<remote>/.
# Does not change any of your own local branches under refs/heads
# git pull does a git fetch followed by a git merge
# git pull brings a local branch (refs/heads) up-to-date with its remote version,
# while also updating other remote-tracking branches.
# get latest
git fetch
git fetch origin
git fetch origin/master
# To add new file to repo
# Add existing file to staging area (must be added to staging area before commit)
git add <filename>
# Add all files
git add .
# diff of working copy
git diff
# diff of copy in staging area
git diff --cached
git diff --staged # same as --cached
# commit changes that were added to staging area only
# commit is done to local repository only
# each commit gets its own version number - which is the hash of repository
# first 8 digits of hash are shown
git commit -m "comment"
# add all changes to the staging area and commit to repository
git commit -a
# add all changes to the staging area and commit to repository with a comment
git commit -a -m "comment"
# clears the staging area
git reset
# revert all changes
# clears the staging area and undo local changes in the working copy
git reset --hard
#revert to certain commit
git reset --hard AEFXH
#revert to head of remote branch
git reset --hard origin/master
# shows history
git log
# deleting file from working tree and source control
git rm <filename>
git commit -a -m "A file was deleted"
git push origin branchname
# deleting file from source control only (leave in working tree)
git rm -cached <filename>
git commit -a -m "A file was deleted"
git push origin branchname
# removing a folder and all its contents
git rm -r <folder>
# to push changes to different server or another disk repository
# commits all day, then push at end of day push
# On the USB drive, create a directory and create a bare Git repos
# Back up to Flash drive
git init --bare
# create bare repository directory on the Server
git init bare shared
# In local git repo, add a remote
# Flash drive or another Git server are called remotes
# can have multiple remotes to push/pull
# from your machine, tell Git about the remote
git remote add myusbback F:\gitproj
# to push changes
# master is the name of the branch on the usb
# in git must have a branch; master is created by default; but myusbback was bare
git push myusbback master
#subsequent push (master was previously created, no need to specify now)
git push myusbback
# pull between branches
# git pull does a git fetch followed by a git merge
# pull tries to apply changes on top our already changed files
# won't be able to always push because in wrong order
git pull
# reapply your work on top of the incoming changes
git pull --rebase
# pull with rebase
git pull --rebase <remote> <branch>
equivalent to
git fetch <remote>
git rebase <remote>/<branch>
# to delete a branch, switch to a different branch and then delete
# deleting file from working tree and source control
git rm <filename>
git commit -a -m "A file was deleted"
git push origin branchname
# deleting file from source control only (leave in working tree)
git rm -cached <filename>
git commit -a -m "A file was deleted"
git push origin branchname
# removing a folder and all its contents
git rm -r <folder>
Interacting with an existing Remote Git Server
# add remote server called origin
git remote add origin <https://-connection-path>
# verify
git remote -v
git remote show origin
# to remove a remote server
git remote remove origin
# to push changes to remote server
git push origin master
# if push fails, someone has made changes we need to fetch and apply
# fetch changes by others; origin is the name of the remote
# fetch, rebase, and push if on the same branch
# do a fetch and rebase (resolve conflicts) then push INSTEAD of a pull
# easier to change your own code to merge
git fetch origin
# applies to local copy i.e. updates the working copy from the master branch of origin remote
# undoes (rewind) our changes, gets remote changes, then applies our changes
git rebase origin/master
# send to the origin
git push origin
# if cannot rebase due to merge conflict, both versions are available to resolve the conflict
# manually
git add <filename>
git rebase origin/master -- continue
git push origin
git remote add origin <https://-connection-path>
# verify
git remote -v
git remote show origin
# to remove a remote server
git remote remove origin
# to push changes to remote server
git push origin master
# if push fails, someone has made changes we need to fetch and apply
# fetch changes by others; origin is the name of the remote
# fetch, rebase, and push if on the same branch
# do a fetch and rebase (resolve conflicts) then push INSTEAD of a pull
# easier to change your own code to merge
git fetch origin
# applies to local copy i.e. updates the working copy from the master branch of origin remote
# undoes (rewind) our changes, gets remote changes, then applies our changes
git rebase origin/master
# send to the origin
git push origin
# if cannot rebase due to merge conflict, both versions are available to resolve the conflict
# manually
git add <filename>
git rebase origin/master -- continue
git push origin
Creating a new Remote Git Server
# In this example, we are using directory on a USB drive a proxy for remote server# to push changes to different server or another disk repository
# commits all day, then push at end of day push
# On the USB drive, create a directory and create a bare Git repos
# Back up to Flash drive
git init --bare
# create bare repository directory on the Server
git init bare shared
# In local git repo, add a remote
# Flash drive or another Git server are called remotes
# can have multiple remotes to push/pull
# from your machine, tell Git about the remote
git remote add myusbback F:\gitproj
# to push changes
# master is the name of the branch on the usb
# in git must have a branch; master is created by default; but myusbback was bare
git push myusbback master
#subsequent push (master was previously created, no need to specify now)
git push myusbback
# what branch are we on
git status
# shows list of local branches; the current branch has an asterisk; example, * master
git branch
# shows list of branches, local and remote;
# the current branch has an asterisk; example, * master
# the current branch has an asterisk; example, * master
git branch -a
# can create a new branch from any branch
# switch to the base branch
# create a new branch
# declare a new branch
git branch <anewbranch>
# switch to a new branch
git checkout branchname
# pushing a branch; origin is the alias of the remote repos
# first time must specify branch name
git push origin branchname
git push origin
# push all branches (specify name if want only a specific branch to be pushed)
# git pull does a git fetch followed by a git merge
# pull tries to apply changes on top our already changed files
# won't be able to always push because in wrong order
git pull
# reapply your work on top of the incoming changes
git pull --rebase
# pull with rebase
git pull --rebase <remote> <branch>
equivalent to
git fetch <remote>
git rebase <remote>/<branch>
# to delete a branch, switch to a different branch and then delete
# branch must have been merged to another before delete
git branch -d branchname
# force delete with prior merge from local repository using capital D
git branch -D branchname
# To remove branch from remote (notice the colon before the branch name)
git push origin :branchname
git push <remote_name> --delete <branch_name>
git push <remote_name> --delete <branch_name>
# to merge, switch to destination branch
git checkout master
# merge changes from master to branchname
git merge branchname
# update the remote (origin)
git push origin