What is it?
Ruby on Rails is framework for building Web applications. The framework uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and uses convention over configuration when defining the application source structure. For persistence, Rails uses the ActiveRecord pattern and object-relational mapping for storing data.
Create an Application
To create an application, change to the directory to where you would like to store the source code. Issue the following command:
> rails new <appname>
The command creates file and folders for the application.
> rails new <appname>
The command creates file and folders for the application.
Application Structure
- Uses models, controls, and views (MVC)
- Uses routes to map Urls to controller methods
Creating a Controller
> rails generate controller <controller-name-in-plural-form> <nameofview1> <nameofview2>
- _controller is appended to controller file name
- derives from ApplicationController which in turn derives from ActionController::Base
Adding an Action to Controller
- Action is a method inside the controller
- Method "index" is the default page for a controller
def index
Add a View for the Controller Method
- A subfolder with the same name as controller is created under view folder to hold views for the controller
- Name the view file same is as the controller method
- Named <controllermethodname>.html.erb - contains html, embedded ruby, js, css in the view
Add Routes to the Controller
In config folder, there is routes.rb. Define routes for the controller.
# define routes for controller
resources :<controllername>
7 routes are automatically generated:
# define routes for controller
resources :<controllername>
7 routes are automatically generated:
- index
- show
- new
- create (normally, no associated view)
- edit
- update (normally, no associated view)
- destroy (normally, no associated view)
Running the Web Application
From the source folder, run:
> rails server
- Starts WEBrick server
- Application is available on the echoed port (Url)
- Browse to the Url
- Shows the application page (app development environment can be inspected)
- To access the application: url/<appName>
Creating a model
rails generate model <controller-name>
- Creates a migration code that can be run to creates table for the model. Use rake (Ruby's build system) to run the script. rake db:migrate
- Model file is created under models folder with the same name as the <controllername>
- <controllername> (singular) can be used to access the table
rails console
- Starts ruby dev environment
- Can create database rows
- Can use <controllername>.new, <controllername>.find, <controllername>.<membername>, <controllername>.save, <controllername>.update_attribute, <controllername>.destroy
<controllername>.update_attributes(:membername => "val", member2name => num)
Controller Actions
class PersonsController < ApplicationController
def index
@persons= Persons.all
def show
def new
def create
def edit
def update
def destroy
Using embedded Ruby.
<h1>All People</h1>
<% persons.each do |person| %>
<p><%= person.name %>
<% end %>