NoSQL Databases
NoSQL Features
- Support large volumes of data
- Can be used for data of record or big data analysis
- Non-relational (tables cannot have foreign key constraints)
- Easy to distribute data amongst multiple nodes (cluster-friendly)
- No set schema - even within one table each row may contain data with different attributes (columns)
- Popular database: mongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB, RavenDB, Neo4j, HBASE, redis, riak, Project Voldermart, DynamoDB, Azure Tables
Data Models
- Given a key, give me the value. The value can be anything. Persistent hash map.
- The value content cannot be queried directly but can store metadata and write queries against the metadata.
- riak, redis, Project Voldemar, Dynamo
Document Data Model
- Storage of large number of documents; each document is a data structure, usually JSON
- The contents can be queried
- mongoDB, RavenDB, couchDB
- Key mapped to a one or more column families. Each column family has key-value pairs. Multiple families (e.g. Invoice and InvoiceLineItems in one record).
- Conducive to distribution of data amongst nodes (don't have to jump nodes to get one aggregate)
- Entire aggregate in one record.
- Cassandar, HBASE
- NoSQL works well when accessing a pre-defined aggregate. To access (re-arrange) a different aggregate is more difficult in NoSQL than RDBMs
- Special queries for graph structures
- Node and arcs structure. Each to move from relation to relation.
- Neo4j