What is it?
- Unity is an IOC container for .NET
- Unity can be installed in any .NET project using Nuget
Usage Example
using System;
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;
namespace IOCUnityTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create the container for objects
UnityContainer unityContainer = new UnityContainer();
// Tell container how to resolve types
unityContainer.RegisterType<IProducts, Products>();
unityContainer.RegisterType<IShipping, FixedShipping>(
new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager()); // singleton
// Have the container create an instance of invoice
var invoice1 = unityContainer.Resolve<Invoice>();
Console.WriteLine("Invoice 1 Total: " + invoice1.Total);
// Change what IShipping resolves to (FreeShipping)
unityContainer.RegisterType<IShipping, FreeShipping>();
var invoice2 = unityContainer.Resolve<Invoice>();
Console.WriteLine("Invoice 2 Total: " + invoice2.Total);
interface IProducts
decimal SubTotal { get; set; }
interface IShipping
decimal ShippingCharge { get; set; }
class Products : IProducts
public decimal SubTotal
return 10;
set { }
class FixedShipping : IShipping
public decimal ShippingCharge
return 5;
set { }
class FreeShipping : IShipping
public decimal ShippingCharge
return 0;
set { }
class Invoice
IProducts _products;
IShipping _shipping;
public Invoice(IProducts products, IShipping shipping)
this._products = products;
this._shipping = shipping;
public decimal Total
return this._products.SubTotal + this._shipping.ShippingCharge;