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using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace LINQGroupByExample
// Demonstrates GROUP BY and JOIN in LINQ
public class LINQGroupByExampleTest
// ENTITY: Represents a Web Page Url
class WebPage
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Url { get; set; }
// ENTITY: Records an access of a Web Page by Url
class WebPageAccess
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Url { get; set; }
public DateTime AccessedAt { get; set; }
// ENTITY: Records latency experienced in accessing a
// Web Page represented by Url
class WebPageLatency
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Url { get; set; }
public int LoadTimeMs { get; set; }
// Test Data - These could be Entity Framework DbSets
List<WebPage> WebPages = new List<WebPage>();
List<WebPageAccess> WebPageAccesses = new List<WebPageAccess>();
List<WebPageLatency> WebPageLatencies = new List<WebPageLatency>();
// Test Urls
const string URL1 = "";
const string URL2 = "";
const string URL3 = "";
// Populate data for testing
void SeedData()
// We are tracking three web pages represented
// by their respective Urls
this.WebPages.Add(new WebPage() { Url = URL1 });
this.WebPages.Add(new WebPage() { Url = URL2 });
this.WebPages.Add(new WebPage() { Url = URL3 });
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// record 10 accesses for URL1
this.WebPageAccesses.Add(new WebPageAccess() { Url = URL1 });
// record 5 accesses for URL2
if (i % 2 == 0)
this.WebPageAccesses.Add(new WebPageAccess() { Url = URL2 });
// record a latency of 2 for URL1
this.WebPageLatencies.Add(new WebPageLatency() { Url = URL1, LoadTimeMs = 2 });
// record a latency of 4 for URL2
if (i % 2 == 0)
this.WebPageLatencies.Add(new WebPageLatency() { Url = URL2, LoadTimeMs = 4 });
// no data recorded for URL3
const int ASSERT_URL1_TOTAL_VIEWS = 10;
const int ASSERT_URL2_TOTAL_VIEWS = 5;
public void Test()
// Group web page accesses by Url, count accesses by Url
var webPageAccessGroups = from row in this.WebPageAccesses
// we can group by multiple fields, if needed
group row by new { row.Url } into urlAccessGroup
select new // group projection
Url = urlAccessGroup.Key.Url,
TotalViews = urlAccessGroup.Count()
// Group web page latency by Url, average latency by Url
var webPageLatencyGroups = from row in this.WebPageLatencies
group row by new { row.Url } into urlLatencyGroup
select new // group projection
Url = urlLatencyGroup.Key.Url,
AvgLatencyMs = urlLatencyGroup.Average(g => g.LoadTimeMs)
// Join the main table of Urls (WebPages) with their respective
// access (view) counts and latencies
var webPagesStatsByUrl = from webpage in this.WebPages
join webPageAccessGroup in webPageAccessGroups on new { Url = webpage.Url }
equals new { Url = webPageAccessGroup.Url } into webPageAccesses
join webPageLatencyGroup in webPageLatencyGroups on new { Url = webpage.Url }
equals new { Url = webPageLatencyGroup.Url } into webPageLatencies
from webPageAccess in webPageAccesses.DefaultIfEmpty() // used below for projection
from webPageLatency in webPageLatencies.DefaultIfEmpty() // used below for projection
select new // new projection
Url = webpage.Url,
TotalViews = webPageAccess == null ? 0 : webPageAccess.TotalViews,
AvgLatencyMs = webPageLatency == null ? 0 : webPageLatency.AvgLatencyMs
Debug.WriteLine("== Results ==");
foreach (var row in webPagesStatsByUrl)
Assert.AreEqual(ASSERT_URL1_TOTAL_VIEWS, webPagesStatsByUrl.Where(w => w.Url == URL1).FirstOrDefault().TotalViews);
Assert.AreEqual(ASSERT_URL2_TOTAL_VIEWS, webPagesStatsByUrl.Where(w => w.Url == URL2).FirstOrDefault().TotalViews);
Assert.AreEqual(0, webPagesStatsByUrl.Where(w => w.Url == URL3).FirstOrDefault().TotalViews);
Assert.AreEqual(ASSERT_URL1_AVG_LATENCY_MS, webPagesStatsByUrl.Where(w => w.Url == URL1).FirstOrDefault().AvgLatencyMs);
Assert.AreEqual(ASSERT_URL2_AVG_LATENCY_MS, webPagesStatsByUrl.Where(w => w.Url == URL2).FirstOrDefault().AvgLatencyMs);
Assert.AreEqual(0, webPagesStatsByUrl.Where(w => w.Url == URL3).FirstOrDefault().AvgLatencyMs);
== Results ==
Url TotalViews AvgLatencyMs 10 2 5 4 0 0